What’s in a Brand?

Your Brand Is You

Within it lies all of your core values, your beliefs, your statement to the world about who you are and what you do. Self-styled clever marketers may convince you that your brand is your logo or a mission statement, and while important, that’s far from the entire picture. A good brand should instantly be able to answer the three most important questions your customers will have:

Why Do We Care?

Who Should Care?

Why You?

Stop using old ideas

Why Do We Care?

You sell a widget - great. Millions of companies have products to sell or causes to market, what makes you stand out? How are you adding value to your clients? What’s your competitive advantage?

Who Should Care?

Do you know who your target audience is? If not, then how can you ever hope to market successfully to them? You need to carefully examine your clientele in order to determine who you appeal to, what makes them tick, what are their business needs that you alone can help solve?

Why You?

In any competitive marketplace you’re going to face countless imitators, copy cats, impersonators, and followers. How do you stand out as the leader of your industry? What’s unique about your company that’s going to set you above and beyond the limits of your competitors?

Use new solutions

You 101

To answer these questions and start to define your brand, we need to learn about you. MindActive will work with you to understand your business from the floor up. We’ll start with a discovery process to find your audience, learn about them, and create specific marketing collateral that appeals to them. Based on our research we may recommend any or all of the following:

  • New name/logo
  • Graphic ID and guidelines
  • Website, newsletters, etc.
  • Print/Trade Marketing Tools
  • PR Tie-Ins

7803 Clayton Rd. Suite A., St. Louis, MO 63117

