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I can personally deploy SharePoint enterprise-wide, from installation and design to administration and training, because I’m incredible. I’m like a bona fide superhero.

Just kidding.

Published in SharePoint

Here at MindActive, I’m the lone Microsoft / Windows person in an office of Mac users, so I catch some good-natured grief for being one of “those people.” With my extensive background in SharePoint administration, it makes sense for me to be more Windows focused, since Microsoft and Windows are built to work effortlessly together. However, convincing my team – a group of Mac using, Safari loving, website image and video manipulating experts - to give SharePoint a try required some major research.

Published in SharePoint

For all sorts of internet usage, from binge-watching Netflix to remotely accessing a business SharePoint site, there’s nothing worse than low bandwidth and intermittent network connections. The buffering, the error messages, or the dreaded “you’ve used all of your data” notification can ruin your plans for being productive.

Published in Cool Tech


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